
なんとなくWebをぶらぶら見ていたら、ここ経由で、今年の国際ウィトゲンシュタインシンポジウムが「Reduction and Elimination in Philosophy and the Sciences」という、よだれの出そうなテーマで開かれるのを知った。


  • Ontological Reduction & Dependence: Reducing a class of entities to another one has always been regarded attractive by those who subscribe to an ideal of ontological parsimony. On the other hand, what it is that gets reduced ontologically (objects or linguistic items?), what it means to be reduced ontologically, and which methods of reduction there are, is controversial (to say the least). ... Is there a general formal framework in which such notions of ontological reduction and dependency can be studied more systematically? Is ontological reduction really theory reduction in disguise? How shall we understand ontological dependency of objects which exist necessarily? How do reduction and dependence relate to Quine's notion of ontological commitment?
